Wednesday, February 1, 2017

List of Alaska Seafood Processing Jobs

If you are looking for seafood processing jobs in Alaska so you can work in seafood processing plants and on processing boats then look no further. Listed below is a list of REAL companies that hire seafood processors during the peak season in Alaska.

Silver Bay Seafoods
For an indepth look at what it's like to work at Silver Bay visit:

Icicle Seafoods

Trident Seafoods

Golden Alaska Seafoods

Ocean Beauty Seafoods

North Pacific Seafoods

Inlet Fish Producers, Inc.

Peter Pan Seafoods

E & E Foods

Aleutian Spray Fisheries Inc.

Copper River Seafoods

Leader Creek Fisheries

Signature Seafoods

Clipper Seafoods

Alaskan Leader Fisheries

Great Pacific Seafoods

Premiere Pacific Seafoods

Unisea Inc.

Ohara Corporation


  1. Thank you very much for this information. I my self have no experience in the industry and I my self am looking to fly to Alaska for a season and give it a go. Again thanks for the information.

  2. Premier Pacific and the ohara corporation best boats to work for

  3. you left out Unisea Seafoods in Dutch Harbor

  4. Replies
    1. Iam intrested sea food job
      Iam waiting this work Iam already applied resume plz check sir ...

    2. Thanks for this list has been invaluable I'm headed Alaska in January..

  5. i am looking to work in Alaska as a seafood processor during this summer to help me pay for collage
    can anyone give me some advice on which plants to apply o who offers more benefits?
    i read all the webpages listed on this blog and i already applied at Leader Creek Fisheries it was the one that i found more interesting has anyone work for them? what are my possibilities of getting hired?

    1. I'm going back to Alaska, my third season. I love it. I work for Peter Pan Seafood, Dillingham location and when the season is over i transfer to Valdez and once that's over i transfer again to King Cove til November. Its a great way to earn extra money during the summer. There are allot of college students that do this to pay for school. You really should go.

  6. I did this about 20 years ago, work was not that hard compared to oil rigs and as a meat cutter. I did it as a poor mans cruse. I enjoyed it and have much worse jobs. Food was ok, hours long. I had a great room with only 3 bunks I shared with two others. I was on a ship so No drinking! But when we got to shore, 5 weeks, we tore it up!

    1. What company was this? How much did u take home?

  7. Do you know if a 17 years old can be hired?

  8. How much did you bring in for the season in dillingham???

  9. Going to a interview this Thursday for unisea; 12hour days and pay is hourly and overtime (not sure how long contract is) but there is another company called iquique: they are set up like...
    • 65 day contract
    • 16 hour shift, 7 days a week
    • Compensation is a percentage of the catch

    In you're guys opinion, does pay favor one job versus the other? Percentage versus hourly/and overtime? Thanks.

    1. Hey can you contact me for advice on where and what to do to come aboard? I'd be greatly appreciated

  10. Hi I am from india is there any scope for Indians to get sea food processor job ,if it is how to apply and get job

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  12. You'll make more money on a boat than at a land plant. You'll make more money on an Ammendment 80 (A80) dragger boat (bottom trawlers) than a Pollock boat. Bottom trawels fish for groundfish, which is cod, rockfish, flatfish, mackerel and some pollock as a by-catch. Groundfish pays more that Pollock so try to work for a bottom dragger. Unless you know someone on a halibut or crab boat, but then you wouldn't be looking here. The major companies with A80 boats are United States Seafoods, O'Hara Seafoods, Fisherman's Finest, Glacier Fish and Ocean Peace. All of these companies fish in Alaska but their home offices are based in Seattle. You can find each company online and apply online for each company but I wouldn't expect a call back if you are out of state. It's best to apply online and then go to their group orientations in Seattle. You will be hired out of Seattle, they will not hire you from Alaska. If you are out of state, they are not going to hire you over the phone and count on you showing up when the boat leaves or the plane leaves to catch the boat in Alaska. It's just not going to happen, they want to see you are in Seattle before they hire you. You will be required to sign a contract in Seattle prior to sailing with the boat North, or most likely flying to Alaska to meet the boat in Dutch Harbor where it is already fishing. A80 boats leave Seattle around January 9 and stay up there all year until late November or December. They do crew changes all year, so most likely you would be flying up to meet the boat to do a crew change. There are also Pollock boats. I would not fish on a Pollock boat unless you are desparate. It will not pay well for a processor. Some big Pollock companies are American Seafoods, Trident Seafoods and Golden Alaska. When they are not fishing Pollock, they will bring their boats back to Seattle twice a year to go fishing for Hake in Oregon which is even worse money! You would make more staying home on umemployment! If you get the job, FINISH YOUR CONTRACT! You didn't have a job when you started, so you have nothing to go back to. It's only 2 or 3 months of your life. Don't be a wussy, nobody cares if you puke. You'll buy your raingear and boots on the boat. Besides applying online directly with the fishing companies I have mentioned, you can look for Alaska fishing and seafood jobs on Alaska Job Center Network at You have to set up a username and password and then search for jobs by region. The Seattle based fishing boats will also post for jobs here and key positions like engineering and deck. But if you have no experience and are applying for processing just go to the company website. You will also find land plant jobs on the Alaska Job Center website. But you'll make more money on boats. NEVER pay upfront to get a job in Alaska - It's a SCAM. All legitimate Alaska jobs will have you sign a contract in Seattle and fly you for free to your destination whether it's a boat or land plant. The contract says if you quit, they'll take your paycheck to pay for your flight up and back. So you never have to pay upfront for anything. That's why the recruiters will show you films that show you how much it really sucks in Alaska because if you quit you get no money and you've wasted everybody's time. It's just a couple months of your life, even if you hate it, stick it out and finish the job because you gave your word that you would. You never have to sign another contract. But after you're home a couple weeks, with your rent paid up for 3 months and money in your pocket, I bet you'll be back!

  13. What about golden seafood company??
